Insurance Companies in Kenya have been in the process of significance gradual change, however, they are several challenges faced, and this study establishes factors affecting financial performance of insurance industry in Kenya. The micro factors tend to be emphasized in the insurance companies. The objective of this study is to find out whether there exists relationship between micro factors and insurance profitability. The main aim of this study is to find out the effects of micro factors on financial performance of insurance companies in Kenya. The study will use descriptive research. The research design will take the form of a census that covers the insurance companies licensed to operate. The population of the study was 6 listed insurance companies. The study used fixed regression analysis to find the relationship between the micro factors in terms of the company size, liquidity, retention ratio, insurance claims and financial performance of listed insurance companies. STATA was used to analyze the data. Results of the study revealed positive and no significant effect of liquidity on financial performance of listed insurance companies in Kenya. Secondly, company size had inverse and significant effect on financial performance of listed insurance companies in Kenya. Moreover, retention ratio and claims ratio had inverse and non-significant effect on financial performance of listed insurance companies in Kenya. It was concluded that there is need for insurance companies to continuously evaluate their working capital management strategies, asset accumulation strategies, market penetration strategies and claims evaluation strategies.