The aim of this research is to investigate optimization of internet usage among Kenyan Public Universities- Moi University Nairobi Campus as a case study which is a necessity at this current information age where internet is the source of almost most searches compared to the traditional ways of searching through hard covered books and journals not forgetting audio-visuals majorly for educative purposes.
In this study, it will provide understanding on factors that influence Internet usage among Kenyan Public Universities in Kenya; it will highlight on the key factors that play a role in the optimization of Internet use. This study will contributes to the body of knowledge in the field of ICTs in education; it will yield to a model that Kenyan Public Universities can adopt to optimize Internet use for learning and research purposes.
Structured survey questionnaire will be administered to students while face-to-face interviews will be administered to ICT staffs to get insights on information search in relation to the internet usage. The study will employ a survey study that will include questionnaires to students and interviews to ICT Staffs during the data collections at Moi University Nairobi Campus.